Wednesday, 30 April 2008

The trouble with hosiery

As this bonkers weather continues here in London I am confronted daily with the following quandary: to don tights or not to don tights?

I’m not a big trouser wearer so when skirts are ones staple how does one cover the pins when one is unsure if the day will bring sunshine and glory or bitterly cold ‘freeze your bones’ wind. Its a hard one, I know.

I currently own 23 pairs of black opaque tights, 2 pairs of black wool/thermal tights, 3 pairs of grey, I cant even begin to count the ribbed varieties and lets not leave out the lonely cream pair featured here earlier in the month.

What really sucks is when mother nature tricks you into believing that finally you can leave the house in the am in a summer dress and bare legs to only find yourself in the pm bolting to the tube from the office before your legs turn a nice shade of ocean blue. I do truly believe she sits up there in her lovely garden, her thermostat set at a perfect temp of 21 degrees and gets a major amount of joy out of watching me sit in front of my tights drawer debating morning after morning. If that isnt enough fun for one day she then twists the knife when I’ve finally decided it's a bare leg day and swiftly turns her dial down and pumps some serious wind chill factor my way, she’s mean I tell you, the majority of women at the top of their field are. *

I figure the solution maybe to meet her half way – stockings (of which I once believed should only be seen on the legs of Jazz Ballet Dancers) could be the solution to all my woes, very popular with flight attendants and secretaries, readily available at Boots for emergency supplies and come in packs of 5 for a record £4.50. I’m high fiving myself to congratulate the brilliance and heading out to Boots to purchase a multi pack...and for those of you who have been stepin' out in sheer nylon for years - why wasn't I told about it?

* Please note my careful use of the word majority – I know a lot of really nice female heavy weights also.

8 people have commented:

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I'm one of those strange ppl who can cope with cold wind against bare legs....that said, I MUCH prefer stockings these days over tights...the problem is finding REALLY good ones that stay up properly...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog !! I don't have that much foreign visitors, so I'm really happy that you like it !

Ella Gregory said...

I think bare legs are ok, but in certain places I feel like I'm a bit of a WAG so I've been waiting for it to get a bit hotter this year

Grace's said...

Pretty pictures ;)

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Stockings have been my delight lately! They definitely stay up better over tights, but I really want to get some garters to hold them up in a more interesting fashion...

Make Do Style said...

Stockings are fab - the porblem is in the garter, they are not so well made these days so hence stockings sort of falling down.

holdups are handy to but for goodness sake lets get some sun on our pins!!

Winnie said...

I love tights and have many a pair too. Though today I decided it was cold and wore my wooly grey ones and upon leaving the house I realised just how wrong I was! It was a very warm day, if a little windy! Great blog by the way!

LittleDoodles said...

The London whether is driving me mad too...I've found myself lugging round extra items of clothing in my bag just incase I freeze or overheat during the day (I never can tell which it will be)