Friday, 2 May 2008

Let there be sun

Mother Nature (aka Nasty Pastie) is telling me that it's going to be 19 degrees on Saturday.

I therefore plan on looking like this

If it's not 19 degrees and I therefore don't look like this, Mother Nature and I will no longer have any type of relationship. We will officially fall out. It will be over. Period.

4 people have commented:

Ella Gregory said...

This look is really cute
it makes me think of SJP in the SATC opening credits!

Anonymous said...

You know... I didn't feel the heat like they said I would and I even got some hiss...

Anonymous said...

lovely soft summer look but the shoes are two big for that dainty body

Anonymous said...

This is a realy soft summer look but the shoes are to big for that dainty body