Monday, 12 May 2008

...and so the hunt continues

The weekend saw me experimenting with 2 more sunglass options. I'm not quite sure if they were hit or miss (I'm leaning more towards miss) but here's the evidence. You be the judge.

Article number 1: Saturday - Bricklane on a fruitless adventure to the very overcrowded and steaming hot Absolute Vintage, usually a pleasure but this week I just couldn't cope.

I give to you the £2 Primark oversized plastic numbers. I unfortunately felt like a bad version of the already bad Mrs Victoria 'you cant see my face for my glasses' Beckham. I'm giving them a solid 5 of 10. This surprisingly high average is due simply to the fact that the lens reflects a lovely shade of chocolate over all I see, I imagine this is how Willy of the Wonker Factory fame views his magical world of singing little people and sugar coated goodness. That's what dreams are made of.

Article 2: Desperate to shade the eyes from the scorching sun while blogging & researching at my local beer haunt (so very British), I trialled a ridiculously over priced pair of Chanel wrap arounds with garish mother of pearl CC's on the arms. A truly terrible move and almost WAGGY which we all know is my worst nightmare. I'm giving them a sound 3.5.....however teaming them with those lovely Jeager pearls could have just pushed them up to a clear 4.

.....and so my friends the search continues, when and where it will end we don't know. Daily I dream of summer eye wear utopia and a land where plastic and lens come together in perfect pupil protection harmony. When I finally reach this destination of hope I will no doubt inform you all of where to found this land of promise. Till then we will continue with this tedious trial and error approach. The pain, the pain....

7 people have commented:

Unknown said...

I secretly enjoy looking like Posh. I know! I know- this is bad! But, I don't know, the oversized sunglasses just make me feel glamorous, even if I have my hair in a ratty bun.

You're selling those primark ones short, I think you're workin' 'em real good! FIERCE!

Anonymous said...

Who owns the amber ale Francis!!!!!Great to see the summer clothes. your hat is cute by the way you were sunnies well.

AlicePleasance said...

I like the Primark ones!

Mónica said...

I can't stand cheap sunglasses, buto only because they are evil for your eyes (and I use also optical glasses, so you can imagine). Sometimes design is cool, but really, is not good for eyes!! Invest in a good sunglasses is a must!! hihi. I prefer the first ones on you;)

Anonymous said...

You should try Tom Ford - they have the biggish look, but not too big. I find Chanel a bit too chunky at the moment. Sad.

Anonymous said...

I really like the Primark pair and have been trying to find a white (or cream) framed pair of sunglasses for weeks.

Wish we had Primark here.

Anonymous said...

I like the Primark ones better than the Chanels. Go figure...