Friday, 8 August 2008

Everybody's doing it

Sometimes when shopping (especially when on holiday) I tend to become completely consumed and immersed with my surroundings. I've been known to bring back fur trimmed hats from Russia (never to be worn again), Peruvian beanies that cover ones ears (what was I thinking?) and at one point I actually owned a genuine Hawaiian coconut bra (quarantined on arrival - thank god). At the time I think it's a great idea and I guess I kind of go with the "When in Rome......" theory. 

Earlier this week I returned from The Camden Market with this.  I guess for a minute I figured I was way cooler than I actually am.

10 people have commented:

WendyB said...

I'm too distracted by your lovely lips to notice your shirt! Great color.

Make Do Style said...

I know, I'm a sucker for it everytime - you just get caught up in the spirit of it all - a great trait to possess!

Anonymous said...

I do that too! but I think your KIZZ t-shirt is way cool anyway.

Anonymous said...

Love the shape of your eyebrows )))

Tricia said...

You're right, you should totally take off that kiss shirt and mail it to me immediately!

Anonymous said...

great top, but even better lips! they're the perfect shape for coloring with lipstick.

Anonymous said...

Your lips take that Kiss shirt right out of its original quite poetic there...lips, Kiss...geddit?

Seeker said...

Hi, I'm back from holidays...

I'm with fashion herald you should take it off and send it to me ;)

You look great and I love your lipstick pretty girl.


Anonymous said...

The lipstick matches the t-shirt and I love that!

The Freelancer's FashionBlog said...

Haha, I would've lioved to see that coconut bra of yours :D

Nice blog you have here btw.