Wednesday, 30 July 2008

One Perfect Day

Today I spent the afternoon wearing a head scarf and visiting an old friend I like to call "Australian Vogue". All in the name of preparation.

10 people have commented:

Make Do Style said...

Oh love your headscarf. It is a great scarf and well tied- perfect.
Ah does it feel odd to be going?

Sienna said...

Oh, you are too cute. I'm SO into headscarves right now! Trade links?

Anonymous said...

you always have the most amazing hairpieces. i spent my evening curled up with magazines and i swear, there's nothing more relaxing in the world!

Tricia said...

your head scarf is inspiring me to do some knot-tying.

Lady Melbourne said...

Sigh....visit it but by no means should you relinquish British Vogue, it is our bible remember?!??!
Australian Vogue buys so many of it's stories from British Vogue you may as well read it anyhow, I do.
p.s- nice to think our shores will soon be graced with your presence!

Mica said...

I love how you've tied your headscarf - it's so stylish and I've never seen one worn like that before :)

pretty said...

Can you do a little tie tutorial pretty please? I adore the look but am TOTALLY and UTTERLY hopeless with tying headscarves.

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

I bet an afternoon with Australian Vogue left you feeling cheap and dirrrrty!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

You look so sweet and pretty. That's a lovely look on you and you're very good at executing it.

Love the pictures. Very cute indeed.

ineedmoredrama said...

you wear headscarves and all headpieces (like the floral piece) so well! i think the word for that is chic :)