Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Here's looking at you kid

Today I'm in my home town. It's small - nice but small. My mother suggested a day out shopping, I said no. I explained I couldn't handle the small town staring "oooh look who's back". The small town gossiping "hasn't she put on weight". The small town looks "what on earth is she wearing?". My mother then sharply put me in my place. "They're not looking at you love, you haven't lived in this town for 12 years. They have better things to talk about than you, more interesting people to stare at and more scandalous people to gossip about. They don't even know who you are in this place". So I went, they didn't stare and I bought fabric. Lots of fabric. Lots of small town floral fabric. I'm not quite sure why. 

10 people have commented:

WendyB said...

Mom has a good attitude.

Anonymous said...

Have you read my mind? This is exactly what I am thinking when I go to my smalltown home ... unfortunately haven´t been away too long, so they still are talking ... but hey, I can always go back to big city life! :-)

Best from Hamburg, Germany

Helen said...

Hah, sometimes it's more fun when people are talking about you than when they couldn't give a damn!

Tricia said...

oh, moms, they really know how to handle us. curious about this small town fabric.

Anonymous said...

Small town fabric is always the best fabric I reckon. And even though I still live in my mid-sized town, I still feel like a tourist everytime I venture outdoors.

Anonymous said...

sometimes i like t think like that too. since (not just in town) but usually people in my country like to comment about each other and gossiping about them, even they dont know you. wew..

Christina said...

That why I'm so happy I'm not from a small town.

Love the mask. I saw an eppy of Gossip Girl with the most gorgeous and extravagant masks and I want one very badly for Halloween.

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

Brutal...don't worry I'm sure someone's gossiping about all the floral fabric you bought!

dancing tallulah said...

I come from a small town too and have exactly the same thoughts, my sisters way of dealing with it is to return with a new tattoo and wearing sky high heels and bright red lipstick

T said...

I love that picture.